We are delighted that you have shown interest in the Nigeria Electrification Project Solar Home Systems programme! The first step for participating in the NEP SHS program is meeting the program prequalification criteria which qualifies the company to access the Output based Fund (OBF). The OBF provides fixed incentive payments per system installed and independently verified. To participate in the program, both the SHS product and the company of the applicant would need to be approved. The OBF applications commenced on April 15, 2019 and remain open for application on a rolling basis. The applicants will take approximately 4 weeks from the time of application to receive the decision communication. Solar companies that pre-qualify to access the OBF may be invited to apply for the Market Scale-up Challenge Fund (MSCF) if they have elected this option in the OBF application and possess the required scale up potential to apply for the MSCF. For more information on the program please visit the program description page |