REA-NEP Holds 6TH SHS Virtual Roundtable Meeting


The Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP) held its 6th Output Based Fund (OBF) virtual roundtable meeting via zoom on August 7th, 2023. The meeting was attended by qualified developers under the Solar Home System (SHS) component of the NEP.

The purpose of the discussions was to provide latest updates on the progress of the SHS component. The NEP through the SHS component has so far signed 52 grant agreements with developers, providing access to electricity to over 6 million Nigerians. The OBF grant mechanism has proven to be highly effective in bridging the electricity gap in the country.

Abba Aliyu, Head of the NEP Project Management Unit (PMU), gave the opening remarks. He emphasized that the roundtable discussions are a way to promote transparency and efficiency, as well as to provide updates on current developments arising from recent findings and implementation status of the NEP.

Lande Abudu, SHS Component Lead at the NEP, said that the 6th OBF virtual roundtable meeting was a valuable opportunity to share important information and get feedback from developers. She emphasized the significance of fostering a productive exchange of ideas amongst the participants.

During the discussion, participants shared their opinions and insights on the recent updates provided. They underscored their collective determination to achieve the shared goal of universal access to electricity across Nigeria. The meeting was a productive exchange of information and ideas. It helped to ensure that the NEP is on track to achieve its goals and to bridge the electricity gap in Nigeria.